We get one in our lives, we use and abuse, we take them for granted as we know they'll always be there.
Yet, our mum's shape us, and secretly, though we usually don't admit it, we all have elements of our mum's in us, the good, the bad and the plain ugly.
The thing with mum's is that annoyingly, they always think they're right.
And, what is more annoying, is that they usually are, though we aren't inclined to admit it.
We pick up her cleaning habits, her vocabulary, her mannerisms, and the excellent advice to become aware of the importance of foil, (which proves to be a very handy tool).
We try to understand our mum's point of view, but as I am told continuously, ' you won't understand until you become a mum', with the added 'emily', at the end to reiterate her point.
They're always there, whether we want them to be or not, they never claim to do anything wrong, and are the masters of maneuvering out of awkward, and potentially sticky situations, but you know, when you need that 3am shoulder to cry on, you'll always have your mum.
She's been through it all.
The aches, the breaks and the pains, and she'll advise you in desperation that you don't make the same mistakes she did.
But we do it anyway.
Yet, a majority of us don't look at our mums and say to ourselves 'one day, i will become that', but more, 'i will not do that with my children, or wear such slippers, or in my mums case, the classic Birkinstocks'.
But we all know, we will.
And it all begins will the colour beige.
When you say the same things, at the same time, you know the process has begun, and it's unstoppable.
The comments are never ending 'oh, you look like your mum'.
And, i know it.
But no, i'll never wear those large cream knickers, or large bras, or never think before I eat a 'Blue Ribband', or ever develop a real taste for tea.
But i know i will.
I'll never settle for second best, and i will never get into period dramas like 'Downton Abbey'.
But i know i will.
I will be a successful, career focused women, and will always get up at 20 minutes earlier, so I have time to do my hair.
But i know i won't.
I will never get sleep with rollers in my hair.
But, i probably will.
I vouch never to become so houseproud my house looks like a showroom, and never revel to embarrass my children at most opportunities, but lets face it, we will.
However, mum's never fail to get the names wrong of your favourite bands, despite feeling ecstatic to have got it right, or just to have a lie in when they can, or not to make a list, but just actually remember what they need to do.
But, they are brilliant at keeping secrets, holding your hair back when you're sick and taking the freebies back from the posh hotel they've recently stayed in.
And there is one thing for sure, you're always on her mind.
There is no such thing as a perfect mum, they're all one in a million.
They may never be the focus, but they're always there.
And, you'll never have another.
So this is to you mum, happy mothers day.
You're one special lady.
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