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Wednesday, 29 February 2012

The Women In Black Review.

I along with my two housemates decided to end the boring, monotonous university lifestyle and take an 'orange Wednesday' inspired trip to the cinema, only to be petrified and spend a majority of viewing the interior of my black coat.
I usually don't scare easily and attempt to find a film that makes me scared, having little success, but you have my assurance, you will be biting your nails and be on the edge on your seats, for a majority of the right reasons.
In addition to having the scare factor, The Women In Black also has an excellent plot, based on the book by Susan Hill, taking the audience on an anxiety filled journey.
Of course, the film's staring role is filled by none other than Mr. Radcliffe, who is making an attempt to leave his 'Harry Potter' days behind and take on more of a 'mature role', which for a first attempt, is pretty average, with some realistic acting skills demonstrated, however, wooden elements since remain; overall for poor Mr. Radcliffe, his 'Harry Potter' days are still prominent always being know as the skillful wizard at Hogwarts. 
Despite average acting skills, definitely a must see if you are looking for a haunting tale, though not being for the faint hearted, nor for 12 year old's as the age rating suggests.

Will you marry me?

29th February . The day where it seems socially acceptable to for a women to ask a man to marry her.
Once every 4 years, we are granted with this delightful day.
Why I question in a modern society should it still be the man who asks for a women's hand in marriage?
In a world of equality, I do wonder why this is. 
I appreciate our traditional roles of men and women still exist, but I think with someone as passionate and special as marriage, a women should be entitled to take charge and ask the man directly.
Let's just hope the answer would be yes.
So, come one ladies, pop the question, 'will you marry me?.'

Friday, 24 February 2012

Rain Man

Apparently, this film is one that must be watched, well according to my mum anyway although sometimes her taste is disagreeable. So here I am on  Friday afternoon fiddling with my built in DVD player trying to watch the Rain Main.
It would help if i could work the DVD player, as at this rate, watching Dustin Hoffman seems a long way a way. 
I wish technology and I could build a bond.

I'll post again if i ever get to watch this film.